It has been quite awhile since I last posted here on my blog. So much changed for me in 2018. I moved into my own place to which i found myself very lonely and at the time, with a very mentally draining job. In March I then joined Planet Fitness Gym with my older sister Brittany and began to regain my health that had been lacking for many years. In that same month, I met a man named Tyler. At first, I wasn't sure what to expect or how to process what was to become of our friendship, but in a short period of time, the purpose of this friendship was revealed. One day at the gym I was approached by an old friend of mine and one of his friends who they called Smiley. When introduced to smiley, I simply asked him why that nickname was chosen for him. He explained that throughout high school people gave him this name because there wasn't a day or time when he did not smile. I found this intriguing and it seemed like he was a person of optimism and saw the world as half full. Within...