Where It All Began

       For as long as I can remember, I have been a writer; ranging anywhere from school papers, to blogging, to hand-written letters, and then to journalism. I'll never forget the very first time I desired to be more than just your ordinary writer. When I began my high school journey, I made a decision to be a passionate, relatable writer. My incredibly intelligent teachers always encouraged my writing but it was not until my junior year when my writing took a turn. Angela Drury, my former high school teacher, is the most gifted literature teacher I have ever had the privilege of knowing. A good teacher grades your papers and improves your grammar, but an exceptional teacher desires to help you explore and find your inner passion that makes someone a gifted author. The first paper I wrote for my American Literature class expressed my longing to be a writer of passion and humility. To broaden my ideas, my thoughts, and for me to be able to put my thoughts on paper. To graduate high school with the confidence to writer a novel, one that could and would change the hearts of many. It has been 1 year, 12 months, 372 days, 6.5 hours, and 27 minutes since I walked across the stage to receive my high school diploma. In the last 372 days, I have vacationed to Cancun, attended Armstrong State University, experienced my first true heart-break as well as rock bottom, moved back home, attended Dental Assisting school, welcomed twins into the world, started a new career, purchased a new vehicle, and here I am today, writing this blog post. Starting back on what makes me feel connected with who I am. 

      My goal for 2017 is to inspire others, while inspiring myself, and to instill hope in the lives of those who are feeling lost, broken, or defeated. I will be sharing my past, my pain, and stories of how and why I am the woman standing here today. Regrets and living in shame of the past or fear of the future is not a way to live. Focusing on the present day is the most important choice we can make for ourselves. This blog is not meant for harm or sadness, but to delight in the fact that the Lord is faithful and He will never leave us in the dark. God is the way, the truth, and the light. I look forward to sharing my testimony and the journey I have taken thus far. So to my future viewers, I pray that my pain can be useful in your lives-that my writing will bring out a sense of passion in your soul. 


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